NEW CREATION The life we were created for

Dan Mohler - Intimacy With God

Dan Mohler - Intimacy With God

Knowing Him through intimacy will change your life! Get out of the way many obstacles and enter into intimacy with God. Dan Mohler is giving practical examples and getting hindrances out of the way.

I've never seen anybody wake up and try not to sin and do well and be real close to Jesus, ever. You wake up and understand that you're washed and forgiven and cleansed and accepted and loved. If you wake up and focus on being his you won't have to try "not to sin", you'll be too busy "being His".
We've all been blessed by the mercy of God through the righteousness, that comes through Jesus Christ, invited to intimacy and fellowship and communion with Holy Spirit. That sounds better. So I wake up clean, I wake up forgiven, I wake up righteous, I wake up His. I'm not trying to be His. I am His. I see that a High priest Jesus has come through the heavens, He's the Son of God and I come boldly, not arrogantly, not presumptuously, just full of confidence that God so loved me. Man, see? That message invokes relationship, the other message invokes service and you always owe something and the debt is never paid. There's no relationship there...

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