Dan Mohler - Righteousness of GOD at Harvest Chapel, January 2023
Righteousness of GOD at Harvest Chapel
Dan Mohler preaching at his home church Harvest Chapel in Abbottstown, PA. Sunday, January 1, 2023. (Sunday morning service). Awesome preaching on Righteousness of GOD which is so crucial!
If you are going to make this year of something, make it a year of Righteousness. Make it a year that you live in Righteousness because you've been made right with God. You cannot change yourself! I'm not trying to live right, I have been made right.
Yeah, but you don't know what I've done, you don't know where I've been you know, how many... Yeah, but what about what HE's done and where HE's been and what HE's saying about you? At some point I have to take off the old and put on the NEW.
If you get off of this foundation of Righteousness you lose your identity. Wake up every day His, every day accepted, every day forgiven, reckoned dead to sin. You are not trying not so sin because you are diligent christian. You've already put that identity away and you've put on Christ.